38 research outputs found

    Automatic emotion processing as a function of trait emotional awareness: an fMRI study

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    It is unclear whether reflective awareness of emotions is related to extent and intensity of implicit affective reactions. This study is the first to investigate automatic brain reactivity to emotional stimuli as a function of trait emotional awareness. To assess emotional awareness the Levels of Emotional Awareness Scale (LEAS) was administered. During scanning, masked happy, angry, fearful and neutral facial expressions were presented to 46 healthy subjects, who had to rate the fit between artificial and emotional words. The rating procedure allowed assessment of shifts in implicit affectivity due to emotion faces. Trait emotional awareness was associated with increased activation in the primary somatosensory cortex, inferior parietal lobule, anterior cingulate gyrus, middle frontal and cerebellar areas, thalamus, putamen and amygdala in response to masked happy faces. LEAS correlated positively with shifts in implicit affect caused by masked happy faces. According to our findings, people with high emotional awareness show stronger affective reactivity and more activation in brain areas involved in emotion processing and simulation during the perception of masked happy facial expression than people with low emotional awareness. High emotional awareness appears to be characterized by an enhanced positive affective resonance to others at an automatic processing leve

    Investigation of the neurovascular coupling in positive and negative BOLD responses in human brain at 7T

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    Decreases in stimulus-dependent blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) signal and their underlying neurovascular origins have recently gained considerable interest. In this study a multi-echo, BOLD-corrected vascular space occupancy (VASO) functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) technique was used to investigate neurovascular responses during stimuli that elicit positive and negative BOLD responses in human brain at 7 T. Stimulus-induced BOLD, cerebral blood volume (CBV), and cerebral blood flow (CBF) changes were measured and analyzed in ‘arterial’ and ‘venous’ blood compartments in macro- and microvasculature. We found that the overall interplay of mean CBV, CBF and BOLD responses is similar for tasks inducing positive and negative BOLD responses. Some aspects of the neurovascular coupling however, such as the temporal response, cortical depth dependence, and the weighting between ‘arterial’ and ‘venous’ contributions, are significantly different for the different task conditions. Namely, while for excitatory tasks the BOLD response peaks at the cortical surface, and the CBV change is similar in cortex and pial vasculature, inhibitory tasks are associated with a maximum negative BOLD response in deeper layers, with CBV showing strong constriction of surface arteries and a faster return to baseline. The different interplays of CBV, CBF and BOLD during excitatory and inhibitory responses suggests different underlying hemodynamic mechanisms

    Human perceptual decision making: disentangling task onset and stimulus onset.

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    The left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (ldlPFC) has been highlighted as a key actor in human perceptual decision-making (PDM): It is theorized to support decision-formation independently of stimulus type or motor response. PDM studies however generally confound stimulus onset and task onset: when the to-be-recognized stimulus is presented, subjects know that a stimulus is shown and can set up processing resources-even when they do not know which stimulus is shown. We hypothesized that the ldlPFC might be involved in task preparation rather than decision-formation. To test this, we asked participants to report whether sequences of noisy images contained a face or a house within an experimental design that decorrelates stimulus and task onset. Decision-related processes should yield a sustained response during the task, whereas preparation-related areas should yield transient responses at its beginning. The results show that the brain activation pattern at task onset is strikingly similar to that observed in previous PDM studies. In particular, they contradict the idea that ldlPFC forms an abstract decision and suggest instead that its activation reflects preparation for the upcoming task. We further investigated the role of the fusiform face areas and parahippocampal place areas which are thought to be face and house detectors, respectively, that feed their signals to higher level decision areas. The response patterns within these areas suggest that this interpretation is unlikely and that the decisions about the presence of a face or a house in a noisy image might instead already be computed within these areas without requiring higher-order areas

    Human perceptual decision making: disentangling task onset and stimulus onset.

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    The left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (ldlPFC) has been highlighted as a key actor in human perceptual decision-making (PDM): It is theorized to support decision-formation independently of stimulus type or motor response. PDM studies however generally confound stimulus onset and task onset: when the to-be-recognized stimulus is presented, subjects know that a stimulus is shown and can set up processing resources-even when they do not know which stimulus is shown. We hypothesized that the ldlPFC might be involved in task preparation rather than decision-formation. To test this, we asked participants to report whether sequences of noisy images contained a face or a house within an experimental design that decorrelates stimulus and task onset. Decision-related processes should yield a sustained response during the task, whereas preparation-related areas should yield transient responses at its beginning. The results show that the brain activation pattern at task onset is strikingly similar to that observed in previous PDM studies. In particular, they contradict the idea that ldlPFC forms an abstract decision and suggest instead that its activation reflects preparation for the upcoming task. We further investigated the role of the fusiform face areas and parahippocampal place areas which are thought to be face and house detectors, respectively, that feed their signals to higher level decision areas. The response patterns within these areas suggest that this interpretation is unlikely and that the decisions about the presence of a face or a house in a noisy image might instead already be computed within these areas without requiring higher-order areas

    Commentary: Cluster failure: Why fMRI inferences for spatial extent have inflated false-positive rates

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    In a recent manuscript, Eklund et al. (2016) reported inflated false positive rates in functional MRI (fMRI) using several common software packages. Here we would like to draw attention to an important aspect that was not addressed in this publication. Specifically, we would like to note that statistical inferences obtained using the random field theory depend heavily on a preprocessing parameter not discussed by Eklund et al. (2016), namely the spatial resolution to which the data sets are resampled and interpolated during pre-processsing. This resampling is needed to align the data to a common anatomical template that is essential to perform group analyses (also often called normalization). Eklund et al. (2016) used the default setting of 2×2×2 mm3. In response to Eklund's paper, Flandin and Friston (2016) used a different setting of this parameter, namely 3×3×3 mm3. Together with a more stringent initial cluster-forming threshold, they did not observe inflated false positive rates. However, the 2×2×2 mm2 setting is the default in two major software packages (SPM, FSL), and in previous work, Friston and colleagues (Hopfinger et al., 2000) stated that resampling to 2×2×2 mm3 renders the analysis “more sensitive”. In other words, at present it is unclear what a valid setting for this parameter should be. Therefore, we think that it is extremely relevant to assess its influence on statistical inference. For this purpose, we analyzed a group of 47 resting-state fMRI data sets with a spatial resolution of 3×3×4 mm3 and 300 volumes used in a preceding study (Mueller et al., 2016). Using a strategy analogous to Eklund et al. (2016) we imposed various fake designs including block- and event-related types. We tested the following resampling parameters: 3×3×4 mm3, 3×3×3 mm3, 2×2×2 mm3, and 1×1×1 mm3. Using SPM12 with family-wise error (FWE) correction based on the random field theory, we first evaluated each data set separately. We found that with higher resampling resolutions, the FWE-corrected p-values decrease systematically so that more and more false positives occur. Figure 1A shows a typical result. We obtained a systematic effect in all of the 47 data sets (Figure 1B). We also observed a systematic effect of image upscaling onto smoothness estimation (Figure 1C). Furthermore, we performed a group-level inference in which all 47 data sets were pooled. Again, we observed that the FWE-corrected p-values decreased systematically with higher resampling resolutions. In other words, it appears that there is a systematic dependence of the false positive rate on the resampling parameter with smaller voxel sizes leading to smaller FWE-corrected p-values and hence more false positives. While some dependence on preprocessing parameters may be inevitable, a systematic dependence of this type is clearly worrisome, because researchers may be tempted to interpolate their data until the desired statistical significance level is reached. Statistical inference should certainly not depend in such a systematic way on a preprocessing parameter that can be set ad libitum. Clearly, this issue requires further in-depth analysis

    Mirror Electromyografic Activity in the Upper and Lower Extremity: A Comparison between Endurance Athletes and Non-Athletes

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    During unimanual motor tasks, muscle activity may not be restricted to the contracting muscle, but rather occurs involuntarily in the contralateral resting limb, even in healthy individuals. This phenomenon has been referred to as mirror electromyographic activity (MEMG). To date, the physiological (non-pathological) form of MEMG has been observed predominately in upper extremities (UE), while remaining sparsely described in lower extremities (LE). Accordingly, evidence regarding the underlying mechanisms and modulation capability of MEMG, i.e., the extent of MEMG in dependency of exerted force during unilateral isometric contractions are insufficiently investigated in terms of LE. Furthermore, it still remains elusive if and how MEMG is affected by long-term exercise training. Here, we provide novel quantitative evidence for physiological MEMG in homologous muscles of LE (tibialis anterior (TA), rectus femoris (RF)) during submaximal unilateral dorsiflexion in healthy young adults. Furthermore, endurance athletes (EA, n = 11) show a higher extent of MEMG in LE compared to non-athletes (NA, n = 11) at high force demands (80% MVC, maximum voluntary contraction). While the underlying neurophysiological mechanisms of MEMG still remain elusive, our study indicates, at least indirectly, that sport-related long-term training might affect the amount of MEMG during strong isometric contractions specifically in trained limbs. To support this assumption of exercise-induced limb-specific MEMG modulation, future studies including different sports disciplines with contrasting movement patterns and parameters should additionally be performed

    Prediction processes during multiple object tracking (MOT):involvement of dorsal and ventral premotor cortices

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    BACKGROUND: The multiple object tracking (MOT) paradigm is a cognitive task that requires parallel tracking of several identical, moving objects following nongoal-directed, arbitrary motion trajectories. AIMS: The current study aimed to investigate the employment of prediction processes during MOT. As an indicator for the involvement of prediction processes, we targeted the human premotor cortex (PM). The PM has been repeatedly implicated to serve the internal modeling of future actions and action effects, as well as purely perceptual events, by means of predictive feedforward functions. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), BOLD activations recorded during MOT were contrasted with those recorded during the execution of a cognitive control task that used an identical stimulus display and demanded similar attentional load. A particular effort was made to identify and exclude previously found activation in the PM-adjacent frontal eye fields (FEF). RESULTS: We replicated prior results, revealing occipitotemporal, parietal, and frontal areas to be engaged in MOT. DISCUSSION: The activation in frontal areas is interpreted to originate from dorsal and ventral premotor cortices. The results are discussed in light of our assumption that MOT engages prediction processes. CONCLUSION: We propose that our results provide first clues that MOT does not only involve visuospatial perception and attention processes, but prediction processes as well